Prolotherapy is a regenerative, non-surgical procedure for injured or painful joints and connective tissue. The goal is to stimulate the growth of new collagen, which are the building blocks of ligament tissue.


Icon Dextrose

Traditional Dextrose

Concentrated dextrose solution that stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal wounds and repair ligaments.

Icon Cells Blue

Mesenchymal Signaling Cells

Derived from patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue; stem cells (among others) signal cell growth, repair, and remodeling of articular cartilage.

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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Concentration of patient’s own platelets; contains growth factors and stem cell signaling markers to regenerate the affected area.


Prolotherapy is a series of precisely directed injections into joints where ligaments and tendons attach. This encourages growth of new ligament or tendon fibers, resulting in a tightening of the weakened structure. Continued treatments allow gradual buildup of tissue to restore original strength and reduce pain.

Icon Inflamation

Acute Inflammation

The foundation is laid by trapping platelets, which contain a variety of growth factors to facilitate cellular and chemical activities.

(0-2 days)

Icon Granulation


Cells multiply and change, turning into fibroblasts to make collagen. Blood vessels are stimulated to supply the new tissue with oxygen and nutrients.

(~ 10 days)

Icon Matrix

Matrix Formation

Within the collagen, new fibroblasts evolve into powerful muscle contractile fibers, also know as myofibroblasts.

(~35 days)

Icon Accumulation

Collagen Accumulation

Myofibroblasts attach to the newly formed collagen, pulling it in to create a compact matrix. Eventually, it will completely remodel into a new ligament that has been repaired.

(~ 38-40 days)