
The stress hormone. Released by the adrenal glands to wake us up in the morning and during times of stress. Cortisol increases blood pressure, supports energy levels, neutralizes inflammation and can affect weight.


The precursor hormone to other sex hormones. Produced by the adrenal glands and exerts its activity after converting to male and female sex hormones. DHEA supports the immune system and protects blood vessels.


The female sex hormone. Estrogen is produced primarily by the ovaries. It regulates, keeps bones strong, and is important in developing and maintaining female reproductive structures. Estrogen helps to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.

Growth Hormone

The building hormone. Produced by the pituitary gland, and responsible for the growth of our muscles, bones, internal organs, and skin. Levels peak in adolescence, and will decrease as we age.


The sleep hormone. Produced by the pineal gland, it sets the pace for the sleep-wake cycle and shortens the time to fall asleep. Melatonin acts on the muscles, nerves, and intestinal tract as an antispasmodic.


The precursor of major hormones. Produced from the pituitary gland and made from cholesterol. Pregnenolone can also function as a neurotransmitter in the brain to help with memory.


The implantation hormone. After ovulation, progesterone levels rise to prepare for embryo implantation. Levels drop if pregnancy doesn’t occur, causing the menstrual cycle to begin. Progesterone stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system.


The male sex hormone. Produced primarily by the gonads. It can be protective for males and females against metabolic disease. In addition, it improves energy, mood, bone density, libido, muscle strength, and maintains and develops reproductive organs.

Thyroid Hormone

The multitasking hormone. Produced by the thyroid gland, it regulates body temperature, energy, metabolism, hair/nail/skin growth, cerebral and intestinal function. It can help improve cholesterol values and helps eliminate cell waste products.